Virtually working, so to speak
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As a transcription company, we are used to working digitally although it wasn’t always the case. We’ve been in business long enough to remember the days of mini cassette tapes and waiting for the postman to deliver our day’s work. However, we’ve always worked virtually and, in the ever-changing world of business, employing someone to work for you virtually is becoming more commonplace. Nevertheless, it is surprising how many business owners shy away from hiring a virtual assistant. It’s as though not being able to see a business assistant means that they don’t have any control. The truth is that a large proportion of professional relationships in any niche these days can be considered virtual.
It’s perfectly possible to expand a business by trading with offshore partners around the globe and, almost certainly, these relationships are fostered and conducted via email and phone calls. The amount of time that a business owner spends in personal, one-to-one interaction with a client is usually very small indeed, even if they are physically located in the same town or city. Consider also, relationships with other professional service providers. You will usually conduct conversations with accountants on the phone or through email, and with a legal or tax adviser the same way.
Hiring someone to transcribe audio files is no different. You don’t physically need to meet us to hand over your audio file. You don’t need to hover around whilst we finish your work. We don’t need to race across the office brandishing the finished transcript. The virtual system works and the proof is in the pudding: we generate and send to you a typed document in exchange for the audio file that we receive from you.
So the logistics of our working relationship with you are quite simple and straightforward. We can all pretty much upload and download files to and from the cloud in our sleep and emailing has become the standard means of communication in business. You might wonder, though, why should you choose McGowan Transcriptions instead of any other transcription company. It’s a good question and we’re only too happy to point out the reasons why!
We think we’re the UK’s No.1 transcription agency. We go a long way to ensure that you get the very best service from us. We reply to every email we receive as promptly as we can with a clear indication of what we can do for you and the time it will take. We make sure that we have the capacity to meet your deadline and that we have understood your specific job requirements. We relay all this information on to each transcriber who works on your project and we generally do this using our automated system that helps us run McGowan Transcriptions smoothly and with care.
Once your audio file is uploaded via our website, it is immediately in the system and from there we allocate it to one of our experienced and dedicated transcribers. Each of our transcribers receives initial training from us so that all the work we return to you is of a consistently high standard. Not only that, we also have our own quality control department who check the work returned by the transcribers to ensure that they have complied with all project requests and that the work is free from typos and misspellings. It is only at that stage that the transcription is returned to you – usually well before your deadline but certainly no later.
So, instead of asking a member of your overworked team to attempt to transcribe a document that we could do in a fraction of the time, take the plunge and upload it today. Not only will we save you time – and therefore money – but we understand all too well the demands of running a business. We work hard on your behalf to ensure that our system runs like clockwork so that your business can continue to do the same.
Written by Carol Nourse